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Videogames: Adaptations and accessibility.
Play Experience by Assistive Technology for play
Devices, services & contexts for play with children with disabilities
Name of Play Experience by AT
Videogames: Adaptations and accessibility.
Type of project
Finished research project
Ongoing research project
(~150 words: target group, aims, kind of activities, Play Experience by AT (devices, services and contexts) used, play experiences and results)
This experience analizes different adaptations for videogames, and proposes some solutions that facilitate the use of videogames for people with difficulty in upper limb movement. During 2016 Ceapat has developed and created some solutions based on 3d print designs. The experience has been composed of 4 stages: in the first one different platforms and videogame console controls were analized; in the second one some adaptations were developed; in the third one the adaptations were assesed by users and in the last one the results have been disseminated.
Play Experience by Assistive technology
Low-tech, high-tech products, services and contexts for play
Description, intended use(s), intended target group(s), manufacturer/developer, reference
The experience has been composed of 4 stages: 1)Some videogames for PC, mobile devices and consoles were analized as well as different platforms and videogame console controllers. 2) Some adaptations for PlayStation 3 controller and for computer keyboard were developed and different sorts of joysticks based on 3d print designs were created. Adaptations for PlayStation 3 controller makes possible to use it with switches, and with a joystick based on 3d print design for the arrow keys. Adaptations for arrow keys, enter key and space bar of computer keyboards enables the use of switches or joystick. The result consisted on different sorts of joystick based on 3d print designs to put on numeric keypad and use the mouse pointer activating the ease of Windows Access Center. 3) These solutions were tested by users with cerebral palsy and difficulty in upper limb movement. APAM Madrid was the centre chosen to carry out the testing with users. This day care centre provides services and organizes activities for people with physical disabilities. The aim of the centre is promoting the autonomy of people and increasing the quality of life. Users can take profit of treatments such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy or speech therapy. In addition to this, some activities relate to the learning of habilities for the use of computers in order to enjoy the benefits of technology in our society. The centre is very interested in new accesible solutions for the use of computers for learning and leisure. A specific area of interest is playing videogames. The results of this testing process were very positive. 4) Dissemination of the results.
The context of use
(home, school, rehab center or other environments)
Home, school, rehabilitation center and other environments
Type of Play
Type of play in this play system
LUDI Classification of types of play
Cognitive Dimension
Rule play (including videogames)
Social Dimension
Objectives related to play according to ICF-CY
International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health - Children & Youth Version (ICF-CY)
Play for the sake of play
Major life areas - d880 engagement in play
d8800 solitary play
d8801 onlooker play
d8802 parallel play
d8803 shared cooperative play
d8808 engagement in play, other specified
d8809 engagement in play, unspecified
Community social and civic life - d920 recreation and leisure time
d9200 play
Play-like activities
Therapeutic and educational objectives
b1 Mental functions
b2 Sensory functions and pain
b3 Voice and speech functions
b4 Functions of cardiovascular, hematological, immunological and respiratory systems
b5 Functions of digestive, metabolic and endocrine systems
b7 Neuromusculoskeletal and movement related functions
d1 Learning and applying knowledge (learning through symbolic play, learning through pretend play)
d2 General tasks and demands
d3 Communication
d4 Mobility
d7 Interpersonal interactions and relationships
Chronological Age
0-3 years
3-6 years
6-12 years
12-18 years
Development Age
0-3 years
3-6 years
6-12 years
12-18 years
LUDI Categories of disabilities
Mental/intellectual impairments:
Hearing impairments
Partially hearing impaired
Visual impairments
Partially sighted
Communication disorders (speech and language disorders)
Physical impairments
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Multiple disabilities
Explanation on the use of low-tech, high-tech devices, services or contexts
No instruction, self-discovery of the participant/subject
Verbal instruction, language and communication fitting to chronological age
Verbal instruction, language and communication is adapted
Visual and/or verbal instruction with AAC (Aumentative and Alternative Communication)
Visual instruction with written language
Visual instruction with pictures or drawings
Modeling by therapist/researcher
Hand over hand: therapist/researcher leads the actions of the participant
Prompting: therapist/researcher touches the participant as a key for further actions
Guided discovery: therapist/researcher coaches the participant so s/he discovers how to use the assistive technology
Modeling by peer
Visual instruction by peer
Verbal instruction by peer
Adult: therapist/educator/researcher
Parent or significant others
Peer with disabilities
Peer without disabilities
Non-participatory observer
Participatory observer
Providing instruction
After the instruction, providing supervision during play
Evaluation of objectives and outcome measures
Description of outcome measure(s)
Observation by professional/researcher providing the play experience
Observation by other professional/researcher
Video analysis
Feedback from client/parents/professionals
(validated and reliable) outcome measures like tests, self-reports of client/system, questionnaires
Information about availability of outcome measure: publisher, website, contact person
The first step of the testing process was drawing up a questionaire to assess users´ experience on videogames and adaptations designed by Ceapat. The testing with users was carried out during the month of november. The results of this testing process were very positive. Users underlined the benefits of the adaptations assesed and emphasized that this adaptations enabled them to play. In order to share these designs, they are already available in the site Thingiverse.
Summary of achieved effects
- Adaptations for PlayStation 3 controller - Adaptations for computer keyboard - Different sorts of joystick based on 3d print designs The results of the testing process with users were very positive. Users underlined the benefits of the adaptations assesed and emphasized that this adaptations increased their opportunities to play. Users proposed some aspects to improve the adaptations assessed. Ceapat will take into account this regards for future developments and is ready for some tasks during 2017, such as developing adaptations to play games in mobile devices by bluetooth.
References to the intervention or research project
Contact Person
Julian Carabaña y Roberto Gaitán Lucía Pérez-Castilla
Example: Robots, Virtual Games, Mobile Phone, Public Playground, Adapted Toys
Videogames accessibility, adaptations, 3d print design.
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