Play Experience by Assistive Technology for the play of children with disabilities
The COST action TD1309 aims at the creation of a novel and autonomous field of research and intervention on play for children with disabilities. The multi-disciplinary cooperation of researchers and practitioners in the fields of psycho-pedagogical sciences, health and rehabilitation sciences, humanities, assistive technologies and robotics as well as the contribution of end-users’ organizations will grant the right to play even for children with disabilities, and finally establish play as the main element for children’s development. The LUDI network is collecting and systematizing information, develops new knowledge and disseminate the best practices. More information at
LUDI database
LUDI database collects a vast number of examples of play experience by assistive technology for children with disabilities. It aims to describe the play experience of children with disabilities with low- or high-tech devices, or services in different contexts for play. The data can be gathered during a therapeutical or educational intervention or during a research project. The aim of these data is to inspire users and clinicians, to elicit cooperation and foster discussion. Each database record will contain a description. Secondly, data about methods to evaluate usability, accessibility and outcomes/effectiveness are registered. These data will provide information for developing guidelines for evaluating usability and accessibility of technological devices and services in different contexts. And to develop standard rules for the design and development of play experience by assistive technology for play for children with disabilities.
Consulting LUDI database
Users, clinicians, researcher are invited to consult the database to be inspired about new products and the experiences when playing with them. Clinicians might benefit in backing up their intervention with evidence based data. Researchers and designers/developers can get an overview of diverse technological devices services and contexts supporting play for children with disabilities: data regarding play experiences and effectiveness as well as data about usability, accessibility.
Contributing to LUDI database
We do like to invite everybody involved in the topic play for children with disabilities to contribute to the database. Central to our database is the play experience of the child(ren)/youngster(s) with any kind of disability in the age of 0-18 year. The child can play with any kind of low-tech, high tech devices, using different services, and playing in different (inside or outside) contexts (home, school, natural and built environment). This gives us the opportunity to gather also data about the usability, accessibility, effectiveness of the toy, assistive technology device, or services in a given context. We are looking for data based on users’ experiences, observations carried out by therapists, teachers or other clinicians as well as data from scientific research. We are not looking for a list of (adapted) toys, robots or other kind of assistive technology.
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